Samsung NX20

Take stunning photos and then share them with everyone – wherever and whenever you want.

The Samsung NX20 Smart Camera’s ultra-sensitive 20.3MP APS-C CMOS sensor delivers amazing detail for professional-quality photography. Its 1/8000 fast shutter speed and High Speed Capture capabilities give you the precision to take the perfect shot in a split-second opportunity. And, with built-in Wi-Fi, you can wirelessly share your photos on social networks, save them to computers or cloud services, and even print or email them.

Reality never looked so real

20.3MP APS-C Sensor
Customised for the NX System, the brand-new, professional-grade, 20.3MP APS-C CMOS Sensor produces images that rival those of any premium DSLR. Each individual pixel has a large sensor area and receives more light, guaranteeing low noise levels, high dynamic range and accurate colour differentiation. The higher sensitivity allows you to shoot during low-light situations without graininess or other noise. The new sensor also provides Full HD video output capabilities.

Control your speed

1/8000 Fast Shutter
Shutter speed can make the difference between capturing an iconic image and missing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The NX20’s 1/8000 shutter speed gives you the flexibility to shoot like the pros—at varying speeds and light exposures. The NX20’s shutter even automatically adjusts itself as it senses environmental factors such as temperature and camera direction. And the electronically controlled focal-plane shutter reduces exposure errors.

A camera that’s quick on the draw

High Speed Capture
The NX20’s High Speed Capture capabilities let you catch fleeting moments and fast-moving objects without requiring a separate sensor module. The NX System features an ultra-high-speed Auto Focus that can rival that of almost any system camera. Its all-new, advanced algorithm delivers faster and more accurate auto focus. The NX20 can shoot at 8 frames per second for better continuous shooting, and shutter lag has been reduced to just 40ms.

Discover the true beauty of HD video

1080P Full HD Stereo Movie Recording
Built with 1080 30p Full HD movie recording capabilities, the NX20 transforms shooting video with a still camera into an art form. Choose from a wide range of viewing angles and zoom with confidence. The mirrorless CMOS image sensor offers precise auto focus even while you shoot. For a truly cinematic experience, there is an 18-200mm lens made exclusively for Full HD video available in the NX range.

Instant sharing and saving, simply

Wi-Fi Connectivity
The NX20’s Wi-Fi connectivity lets you connect your digital camera to a wireless network. Save photos and videos directly to a computer or cloud service while you shoot, email them, print them wirelessly, or upload them straight to Facebook™ or YouTube. You’ll never have to worry about losing a great shot, running out of storage space, or remembering to bring the right cable along.
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