The GR DIGITAL IV employs a hybrid autofocus system that combines an external auto focus with a conventional contrast autofocus system. It is newly equipped with an external autofocus sensor developed in-house that allows for high-speed, high-precision distance calculations for up to 190 points. The camera needs as little as 0.2 seconds for the autofocus to adjust, approximately half the time for the GR DIGITAL III. The scan area for contrast autofocusing is limited so the external autofocus sensor can adjust the focus even if you do not half-press the shutter-release button, allowing for more rapid focus adjustments than previous models. Improvements to the algorithm have increased the speed—as much as doubled it—even for macro autofocusing that uses only the contrast autofocus system.
We have added a Snap mode in which you set the focus at a preset distance, so you can take photos with a time lag we have cut thoroughly. One of the focus distances you can choose from on the GR DIGITAL IV is Auto. This permits very fast, very precise focus adjustments made by the external autofocus sensor alone. You can take photos without having to worry about the distance to the subject. Using Full Press Snap, the camera rapidly calculates the distance using the hybrid autofocus if you pause with the shutter-release button pressed halfway, and using only the external autofocus if the shutter release is pressed all the way down in one motion. High-precision focusing has been added to the GR's characteristic quick shooting functionality.
While the shutter-release button is pressed, the camera can take a series of photos while adjusting its focus on the subject using the external autofocus. The camera also still provides set-focus continuous shooting, S-Cont (stream continuous) shooting, and M-Cont (memory-reversal continuous) shooting.
The first model in the GR DIGITAL line equipped with an image sensor shift image stabilization feature. Coupled with a bright F1.9 lens, this camera performs even better than previous models under dark conditions. The stabilization effect amounts to as much as 3.2 steps* calculated in terms of shutter speed.
The highest possible ISO setting is 3200 (the maximum for the GR DIGITAL III was 1600); the EV can be set in steps of 1 EV or 1/3 EV. Furthermore, using ISO Auto Hi, in addition to setting an upper limit of ISO sensitivity, you can now also set shutter speeds where the ISO sensitivity changes. For example, if the shutter speed is set to 1/60, the camera will maintain that speed as it adjusts ISO sensitivity. This makes it easy to control the camera to match what you want, like when you want to use a fast shutter speed so the subject will not be blurry.
The maximum brightness of the new image monitor has been increased about 1.7 times over that of the GR DIGITAL III; visibility outdoors accordingly has been greatly improved. If the brightness controller is set to Auto, the brightness of the image monitor will adjust automatically in accordance with the brightness of the subject. The size is an easily viewed 3-inch screen (approximately 1.23 million-dot* VGA). The wide viewing angle allows for viewing from various directions. In addition, the distance information calculated by the external autofocus sensor can now be displayed as necessary, helping to improve convenience and comfort level.
11:15 Adorama Photography TV presents the Ricoh GR Digital IV. This week Mark reviews the latest compact point and shoot 10mp digital camera from Ricoh, the GR Dig...
07:50 -
00:34 PENTAXRICOH GR experience meeting.
01:25 The RICOH GR Digital IV: A Camera Built For Street Photography The GR Digital IV has the reflexes of a professional photographer, setting the standard in the...
00:15 Ricoh GR Digital IV VGA Sample Video - Sample video from the Ricoh GR Digital IV. For more details see
08:19 I just got a Ricoh GR Digital IV and Emanuel asked me to to an unboxing video.
00:32 -
03:31 English 日本語
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05:01 First black Ricoh GRD IV sold in Hong Kong. My first impressions....more to come when I get some time off work. Will add some pics fro the camera to Flickr a...
00:14 PENTAXRICOH GR experience meeting.
15:05 Become a fan on facebook, and WIN THE STUFF WE REVIEW! -
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