With a new image processing engine and a 7.1x optical wide zoom lens (28--200 mm in 35 mm camera format) mounted on a slim body only 20.6 mm at its thinnest ...
Ricoh Caplio R7 Digitalkamera zerlegt geschlachtet dismounted disjointed.
Die Testsieger-Kamera „Caplio R7“ überzeugte vor allem durch einen hohen Zommfaktor im kompakten Gehäuse.
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RICOH Caplio R7.
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Amazon.co.jp から購入 : http://cheap.goes2japan.com/?asin=B000VJ2DK0 RICOH デジタルカメラ Caplio (キャプリオ) R7 ブラック 800万画素 光学7.1倍ズーム CAPLIOR7BK...
The new R8 is the successor model to the Caplio R7 (launched September 14, 2007), which also had a slim body and 7.1x optical wide-angle zoom lens (28--200 m...
This was filmed live at Dockers bar in Kiev Ukraine. It was completely filmed only on a little Ricoh Caplio R7. Plus I was pretty smashed at the time.
Went climbing with Oli tonight at the Mile End Climbing Wall, tried to capture the atmosphere with timelapse. Camera Ricoh Caplio R7 with 5 second intervals.
3000 single shots of Livorno shot with Ricoh Caplio R7 , edited with Adobe Lightroom and Magix Video Deluxe....
Done with a Ricoh Caplio R7, 925 shots, every 10 seconds for 2-3 hours... Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue.
Faszinierende Beobachtung der Bienen am Astloch im Balken eines niedersächsischen Fachwerkhauses. Keine Kollision der ausfliegenden Bienen mit den heimkehren...
Egret catches some kind of rodent and swallows him. I think it's a mouse or vole or something like that. My coworker saw a heron eat a gopher in Golden Gate ...
the event ; Rescue Demonstration, Date; June 2009, the town Hobro, the country, Denmark. Bymarks Alle, materials supplied by P, Pedersen, camera ; RICOH CAPLIO R7 (c)2009 [Electricchuck home ...