フィルター径 58mmの対象デジタルビデオカメラに装着することにより、レンズ焦点距離を約1.5倍とするコンバーターレンズです。 http://cweb.canon.jp/e-support/faq/answer/dvcam/46861-1.html 8倍以下では4隅が ...
The tele-converter was attached to my Canon Vixia HF S21 camcorder. The two clips are unedited except for the captions and transition. The owl is about 50 ya...
compared the Tele Conversion Lens with Canon XA10 キャノンXA10にて、テレコンバージョンレンズのレイノックスHDP-9000EXとソニーVCL-HG1758、キャノンTL-H58を比較しました。ビデオカメラの設定は、ホワイトバランスくもり固定、シャッタースピード...
A quick look at the WD-H58 Canon wide conversion lens for Canon camcorders.
Canon XA 10 + WD-H58W 0.8X wide lens.
Just got a bunch of new camera lenses for my CANON VIXIA HG10. This clip was shot using the telephoto lens.
Testing a detachable magnetic telephoto lens for my 1st generation Vado. Note: this is not a Vado accessory, it's for mobile camera phones but fits Vado lens...
http://www.robnunnphoto.com Why spend a fortune on new lenses, when you can buy a M42-EF lens adapter from eBay for a few quid, then use this great old glass.
Slide show illustrating digital zoom with the Canon G1X.
Opteka 0.5x Wide Angle & 2x Telephoto HD2 Lens Set for Panasonic HDC-SD10, HDC-TM10, HDC-TM15, NV-GS27, VDR-D100, VDR-D105, VDR-D200, ...
For anyone else who's ever lost the rear lens cap off their Canon WD-H37II wide angle lens: You need a 40.5mm slide-on or push-on lens cap. In Japanese, a 40...
http://www.gadgettown.com/Canon-Bp-827-819-809-Battery.html This Battery for Canon BP-827 BP827 BP-819 BP819 BP-809 is an ideal replacement for your digital ...
Nem tudom, mi történt, egyszer csak ilyen felvételeket kezdett csinálni a fotógép... :) Ötlet?
test vite fait par mauvais temp du Samyang 650-1300mm f8/16 X2 eos 5d3.
Johnny Gomez and Todd mccool perform at Disneyland's TLT on Independence Day, 2014 Shot with Canon HF G30 camcorder automatic setting.