The PowerShot S1 IS lets you get incredibly close to your subject. Its 10x optical zoom lens with IS is ideal for detailed shots. The enhanced Movie Mode means you can really move in on the action.
Because it's not always possible to get really close to your subject, the PowerShot S1 IS combines an impressive 10x optical zoom lens with an Optical Image Stabilizer (IS) and Ultrasonic Motor (USM). This not only gives you a powerful zoom (38-380mm in 35mm format) but the USM allows for quiet and super-fast zooming, so you won't miss the shot you want and, for nature photography, won't scare any wildlife away. The IS significantly reduces camera shake at full zoom and in low light conditions. The result is incredibly detailed shots whether you want close-up pictures of an exotic bird or your child's winning goal.
Combine the zoom with the PowerShot S1 IS's enhanced Movie Mode and you can record detailed movies with superior, flicker-free VGA resolution. Using a frame rate of up to 30 frames per second for super smooth action, the PowerShot S1 IS automatically adjusts the exposure, focusing and white balance as you film. You can use the optical zoom to manually change your composition at the same time. The result is an impressively improved image quality and sound. And as you can record up to approximately 1GB of movie (depending on the size and speed of the memory card used), recording times are longer.
As with every Canon digital camera, the PowerShot S1 IS uses Canon Visionary Technology to ensure the best performance possible. Using Canon's unique iSAPS technology to optimise shooting settings, the high-performance DIGIC processor for fast processing and Image Rendering technology for accurate reproduction of colours, the PowerShot S1 IS delivers incredible results every time.
For greater creative control, the PowerShot S1 IS has 12 shooting modes – from Manual to Auto, plus 1 custom setting. A complete range of optional accessories is also available, such as wide/tele converter lenses and a waterproof case. Post-shooting, a variety of editing software is included, and you can print directly to a PictBridge or Canon Direct Print compatible photo printer without using a PC. The CANON iMAGE GATEWAY lets you access 100MB of free internet space for storing images, creating albums and sharing photographs with friends and family via email.
00:44 Canon PowerShot S1 IS - VIDEO TEST.
03:14 mehr Informationen: Reviews USA: Reviews UK: Video-Review zur Canon PowerShot S1 is D...
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00:49 just testing on low quality of 320 by 240.
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00:27 Broken Canon PowerShot S1 IS Video quality test. Finland. Road E13 Honkola. Sammy Babizin:in onnettomuus tapahtui Suojoen sillalla Äänekosken Hietamalla 13-t...
00:18 Jest to przykładowe video, zrobione przeze mnie aparatem CANON S1 IS, nic nie zostało zmienione, ściągnąłem z aparatu, i dałem jest prosto tutaj.
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01:18 powershot s5 is powershot s2 is powershot s1 is digital camera canon powershot s5 is digital camera powershot s1 is repair powershot s1 is manual.
00:43 Canon Powershot S1 Zoom Test at Two Rivers Park.
00:33 Canon Powershot S1 Zoom Test at Two Rivers Park.
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