With the latest technology, extensive manual functions, an ergonomic body and the ability to shoot both movies and stills, the MVX3i offers superb creativity.
- 2.2 Megapixel CCD
- 10x optical/200x digital zoom
- Optical Image Stabilizer
- RGB Primary Color Filter
- 3.5” Colour LCD and Colour viewfinder
- High Resolution 16:9 Mode
- Creative manual functions
- Digital Camera functions
- Direct Print and PictBridge compatible (no PC required) for photo printing
- DV Messenger 2.0
Ergonomic body
The MVX3i is a truly creative digital imaging machine that shoots movies and stills. An ergonomic body together with well-positioned controls means all functions are readily accessible. A high-visibility 3.5” colour LCD and colour viewfinder make composing and menu navigation easy.
Image resolution
With the 2.2 Megapixel CCD the MVX3i produces ultra high-resolution video images with 1.7 effective Megapixel as well as still images recorded at 2.0 effective Megapixel. Zoom range is 10x optical/200x digital for movies, 9x optical/36x digital for stills. To keep compositions pin-sharp, the MVX3i is equipped with an Optical Image Stabilizer.
An RGB Primary Color Filter ensures reds, greens and blues keep their intensity when reproduced. DIGIC DV ensures the recorded colours of both movies and stills match the colours you see at the time of shooting.
With MPEG4 your movies are routed to the SD Memory Card for easy transfer to your computer. The MPEG4 recording time is only limited by the size of the SD Memory Card.
Creative control
A high level of creative control is provided by means of Auto Exposure Bracketing, Back Light Compensation and Manual Audio Level Control. The Custom Key button allows you to select various modes - such as Optical Image Stabilizer, Zebra Pattern and Drive Mode - easily and quickly.
High Resolution 16:9 mode for great image quality on wide screen TV without distorting the image by adding more effective pixels.
Still photography
A variety of shooting modes allow you to get the best shot when shooting stills. These include Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Auto Exposure and Slow Shutter speed. You can also take still photos during movie recording.
Direct Print lets you obtain superb photo prints quickly and easily by connecting straight to a Canon printer – there’s no PC required. PictBridge lets you do the same with any PictBridge compatible printer.
Existing analogue recordings can be easily converted into digital format. With USB and IEEE1394 FirewireTM connectivity, transferring images to a computer is completely straightforward.
DV Messenger 2.0 software allows two-way communication over the internet. You can have a videoconference, control the camcorder remotely and share digital photos and movie clips complete with sound.
02:38 Two miniDV camcorders, which one is better? Dvě miniDV kamery, která je lepší? The Canon MV650i (1/6' CCD 800.000 pixels) or The Canon MVX3i (1/3,4' CCD 2.20...
00:18 Zoom-test video from Canon Legria HF200 outside my apartment.
00:54 Titul mluví za vše. Natočeno na Canon MVX3i Režim Super Noc.
02:46 Jacob Cox riding for his local sponsor TripleBull. Filmed using a Canon MVX3i. Edited using Sony Vegas Pro 9.
01:13 Der zweite Trailer des neuen Skater Films "Skaternator" von Neyko Studio und Pro 8. Inhalt: "Skaternator" knüpft da an wo "Skate without your mind" aufgehört...
01:34 Dneska jen tak tak v limitu, čas je neúprosnej. Šipkám zdar! Natočeno 20.2.08 na Canon MVX3i.
38:00 Video z natáčení sedmnáctého dílu seriálu Na Točně. Jedinečná příležitost podívat se do zákulisí Tv Vona. Natočeno na Canon MVX3i.
38:00 Pokračování hororu Jeskyně. Luděk po Alanově smrti hledá nového spolubydlícího. Ten ho ale přivede na myšlenku se podívat na tu jeskyni o které mluvil Alan, ...
38:00 -
01:43 Rain in 1/2000s on the Canon HV30. HDV, 50i. Déšť natočený se závěrkou 1/2000s v HDV, 50i.
03:19 Aiptek Ahd Z500 Plus Hd Camcorder Unboxed.
01:24 skateboarding , and testing new camera , canon optura xi.
03:51 Demonstration video for Canon ZR600 Digital Camcorder. This one tends to auto adjust its zoom back to normal if you are not holding the zoom lever. That is w...
01:14 -
00:09 Ist nur ein testvideo, ihr seht unsere vipers kurz vor dem auftritt.
07:42 File video condiviso di azizbelt.
00:10 Полный обзор Аккумулятор для Canon MVX20i AcmePower AP NB-2L20 а так же характеристики и отзывы можно найти по ссылке: http://ulay.myru.info/985623 Аккумулят...
04:41 Camera Canon MV5i sendo vendido no Mercado Livre.