The Canon FS30 Dual Flash Memory camcorder is lightweight, compact and user-friendly, records stunning video - and does it all at an affordable price.
As employed in advanced electronic products such as laptop computers, MP3 players, PDAs and cell phones, flash memory has numerous benefits. With the Canon FS30, you're able to record to both the camcorder's handy 8GB internal flash drive and a removable SD card. Not only does dual flash memory give you extended recording space, but it also gives you added flexibility in file transfer and playback. You'll have a chance to catch and share even more of your life's special moments with the FS30. Adding to the usefulness of this camcorder is Canon's Quick Charge - which reduces the recharge time for the FS30's battery, and Pre-Record which gives you a head start on capturing the action. With Canon Exclusive features such as Canon 41x Advanced Zoom and our DIGIC DV II Image Processor, combined with a 2.7" Widescreen LCD, Quick Charge and our new Dynamic IS - you've got a flash memory camcorder that's both hard to beat and unmistakably Canon.
Flash Memory
The ultra-sleek and compact FS30, allows you to capture video to an 8GB internal flash drive as well as onto an SD memory card. Video stored on the internal memory can be copied onto the memory card which can then be inserted into your computer or television's card reader slot for immediate viewing. Additionally, you can use higher capacity SD memory cards to further increase the video storage of your FS30.
In addition to the advantage of added recording time, flash memory offers more to you as well. You'll appreciate its quick response time, because it doesn't have to wait for moving parts. Press the record button and your FS30 starts recording video faster than you've ever seen before. In addition, when you review your footage, it will start playing more quickly as well. Another plus is the FS30's low power consumption rate, allowing your battery to last longer. It's just what you need so you don't miss that pivotal play on the field or the moment when they say "I do." While we certainly hope you keep your FS30 securely in your hand while shooting, if it happens to slip, or you accidentally knock it against something, you'll be happy to know that flash memory makes your camcorder more shock resistant than other recording storage systems. It also minimizes the chance of data loss due to damage to your recording media or the moving parts found in other camcorders.
Ultra-Sleek, Compact and Lightweight Design
The FS30 is ultra-compact and lightweight. Measuring only 2.2" wide, 2.3" high and 4.8" deep, it combines big video storage capacity in a small, easy to carry camcorder weighing only 7.9 oz. You’ll want to take it wherever you go.
Superb Image Quality
Great looking video starts with the images your camcorder sees, processes and records. Canon’s legendary technology works together in the FS30 to deliver the best at every step. Canon delivers the best in standard definition video in the FS30. A Genuine Canon 41x Advanced Zoom delivers unsurpassed image quality. The 680,000 pixel CCD Image Sensor and Canon DIGIC DV II Image Processor captures video with vivid, intense, lifelike detail.
Video Snapshot
Video Snapshot will let you shoot short movie clips with the FS30 in the same way you've shot snapshots with your still camera. You can create 4-second video clips which can be played back in the FS30 with background music. You'll also be able to capture clips in Playback as well, making it more convenient than ever to use this feature. It's the perfect way to document your vacation in a quick, easy, entertaining series of clips, perfect for Internet sharing.
Dynamic Image Stabilizer
With the Canon FS30, you can be sure that even on the move your video will be smooth, steady and professional looking. Dynamic IS provides continuous adjustment throughout the entire zoom range to correct a broader range of motion. In comparison to conventional electronic image stabilization systems, extra compensation is applied at wide-angle focal lengths to eliminate unwanted vibration that is common when walking.
2.7" Widescreen LCD
The 2.7" LCD on the FS30 lets you see more of what your camcorder is recording. The 123,000 dot screen delivers bright, clear detail and the widescreen format means there's no need to imagine what your final image will look like on your widescreen television because it's not squeezed into a small space while you're shooting. What you see will be what you get.
01:23 broke my flip camera and got this. riding sucks.
02:02 This can be used on any video camera that has the same 3.5mm mic input. ============================= hey, this is a short external mic test vid to show you ...
05:06 Unboxing of my new Canon FS30.On Sale NOW!! At Best Buy for $199.99 USD.Usually $299.99 USD!
06:30 Mungo Darkmatter shows how to use the Canon transfer utility to download video from Canon digital camcorders to your PC. This demo was made using the Canon V...
07:35 [152;130/365];Thumbs up, comment and subscribe please Been using the flip for awhile, let's see how much the canon fs30 improves things ... using my new "tal...
15:51 Muy buenas TecnoOcios! Es turno de un nuevo análisis esta vez algo diferente para nosotros Pero se lo dejaremos al espero en la materia David V Nos analizará...
00:37 frontside lipslide, frontboard to fakie, tre flip, heelflip. The quality isn't too great in the dark, but outside it's fine.
10:54 Ok Guys heres how you would change it from Internal Memory to SD Card 1.Hit the Func. button towards the left hand corner of the screen. 2. Select Menu 3. Go...
04:00 I bought this new camcorder for around 200 and its amazing i love it so simple to use. Built in 8gig memory can record up to 6 hours of videos which is sweet...
01:54 Canon FS30 this is the file straight from the camera no editing.Someone wanted to know this here it is.This is why I use a editing program to make it fit you...
26:55 Wonderful camera! Highly recommend it :) My rating: 10/10 Price: $300 FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002853533806 TWITTER: ...
10:58 [153;131/365];Thumbs up, comment and subscribe please I NEED SOME FEEDBACK, answer this FB questions: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=question&id=1015016...
05:42 Test Movie made with a Canon FS20 camera and edited with iMovie 09 on an iMac. Uploaded to Youtube in Large format (960x540)
02:02 Checking out our Canon FS30.
26:55 -
26:55 canon fs400 canon fs400 review canon fs 400 canon fs400 charger canon legria fs406 canon fs400 camcorder canon fs40 manual canon fs 200 canon ...
04:02 Outdoor test footage recorded with the Canon FS200 camcorder. The FS300, FS30, FS31, FS400, and FS40 will also have identical image quality when set to "XP" ...
26:55 Visit Now http://amzn.to/1fY0gvV Canon FS30 Camcorder Lighting Vidpro Varicolor 312-Bulb Vide.
01:54 -
01:04 me and my friend nick lewandowski were at incline and all the other sections were packed so we couldnt get any more but i got my new camera its the canon FS30. i like it alot.