Huge storage capacity -over 45 hours - and Full HD image quality combine in the HG21. Keep on recording for longer, then easily share your movies on an HD TV, a computer or over the web.
- Over 45 hrs of HD (120Gb HDD)
- Dual Recording
- 1920x1080 Full HD (24Mbps)
- Canon HD Camera System
- Super Range OIS and Instant AF
- Creative options
- Microphone input
- Multiangle Vivid LCD; colour EVF
- Flexible system
- Software with Blu-ray disc support
Ready for the challenge.
45 hours of movies
Shoot over 45 hours of HD movies to the 120Gb Hard Disk Drive (HDD) – with the HG21 you’re ready for any challenge.
Dual Recording
With Canon’s Dual Recording system, store movies straight to internal HDD, ideal when there is no external media to hand. Alternatively, shoot straight to easy-to-share SDHC memory cards and simply hand them to friends.
1920x1080 Full HD
Record 1920x1080 Full HD video that is perfectly matched to the resolution of Full HD TVs. Five recording quality options are available: at the highest MXP setting HD movies are captured at 24 Mbps – the maximum possible data rate, for maximum possible image quality.
Canon HD Camera System
The unique technologies of the Canon HD Camera System give the HG21 a big quality advantage. This unique combination – a Canon HD Video Lens with 12x optical zoom, a 3.3 MP Canon Full HD CMOS sensor, and the powerful DIGIC DV II processor – delivers superb HD movies.
Instant AF and Super Range Optical Image Stabilizer
Canon’s Instant AF combines two kinds of auto focusing to achieve absolute HD clarity at speed. Super Range OIS helps keeps your shots steady, especially when filming handheld.
Creative shooting
25p Cinema Mode allows you to achieve a stylish filmic look. 11 Program AE modes offer complete creative control.
Superior audio
A microphone input connection lets you attach an external microphone, for greater control over sound recording. Manual audio controls – microphone attenuation control, audio level meters and audio level control – are available to help achieve perfect audio quality.
Multiangle Vivid LCD and EVF
A 2.7" Multiangle Vivid LCD screen displays a wide colour gamut and reduces glare, making it easy to preview movies. A wide 135-degree viewing angle lets everyone to gather round. Alternatively, shoot using the widescreen colour EVF.
Full flexibility
A mini Advanced Accessory Shoe is compatible with a wide range of accessories. It’s simple to playback HD video – connect to an HD TV via HDMI or component output. With HDMI you can even control the camcorder’s playback functions using an external remote, thanks to CEC support.
Supplied software
PIXELA ImageMixer™ 3 SE software helps you manage, edit and share HD movies – even convert them to different file formats. You can also burn video to a Blu-ray disc: one Dual Layer Blu-ray disc holds up to 50GB of files.
09:26 Canonの「iVIS HG21」の紹介ですー 学校の備品なのですが、この度仕事を頼まれたので借りさせていただき、勝手に紹介していますーww CanonのHDのロゴは昔から変わりませんね~ 2008年製なのです ...
06:31 Hey All, Today I wanted to show off my new (to me) Canon Vixia HG21 camcorder that I bought specifically for making better quality youtube videos. It is a tr...
04:01 ok... FINALLY got the video how i wanted with quality and length and all. so heres 4min of what i shot with my Canon Vixia HG21... for those who know what, o...
07:36 A test with my Canon HG21 loaded with the Letus Extreme, a 70- 210mm sear zoom lens and a 28mm sears prime lens. Shot at 24p, 24mb/s with 4:2:2 color subsamp...
02:24 Second test with Canon HG21 edited in Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9. More saturation.
00:49 Canon HG21 shutter speed/slow motion test, filmed at 1/2000 shutter and 60i frames per second. Gas blowback airsoft guns used as film subjects. The reason wh...
03:35 Put &fmt=22 at the end of the URL for a better quality* I did this video with my new Canon HG21 and Sony Vegas. This is a quality test, so I hope you like it.
01:21 Test nach Kauf; Farb- und Bildkorrektur.
01:25 Watch in HD Please :). Hey, made another test vid with my canon hg21. This time, it was better weather. And subsequently, better lighting. ALSO, this time I ...
06:32 Video 7, settimanale di fotografia e informazioni tecnologiche. In questo numero: provata la videocamera prosumer Canon HG21; test di velocità sulle schede S...
03:50 Canon VIXIA HG21. Raw file I think? It's a .MTS...and I have no idea for what that stands for. I didn't use the software that came with the camcorder to tran...
02:03 My tripod was all janked up from the snow and the cold so some things are a little less than smooth.
00:31 Just bored out of my mind, messing with the Magic Bullet plugin I just installed. I like some of it's features. I'm not sure how practical most of them are, ...
02:06 Video test with my new Canon Vixia HG21 camcorder. Edited with iMovie.
19:37 -
01:47 -
08:12 Recording with canon hg21,stabilizer hague mmc,1080p 50i,24mb/s convert 720p h264 mov. Add " &fmt=22 " to the end of the code on the URL and click the full s...
08:51 This is a Red DragonFly that I found. I filmed it with a Canon HG21 High Definition Camcorder. The shots are pretty close to the Dragonfly. For those who lov...
00:42 Footage taken in Lake District from Canon Hg21 Camcorder and did few colour corrections using adobe premier.