Create stunning Full HD movies with the compact, stylish LEGRIA HF M32. An innovative touch-screen interface makes shooting easy; record more than ever thanks to 64GB of memory and SDXC support.
Dual Flash Memory
With 64GB Dual Flash Memory, the LEGRIA HF M32 offers both internal capacity and memory card shooting. And, with Relay recording, you’ll never have to stop shooting to change media; if the built-in memory becomes full, Relay recording will automatically continue on an SDHC or SDXC card.
Easy HD shooting
Shooting HD has never been easier. Smart Auto’s scene recognition technology optimises settings according to the situation, whether it’s a dramatic sunset or a family event. Instant AF achieves pin-sharp focus quickly and Face Detection Technology optimises shooting settings for perfect people shots.
Touch-screen technology
The LEGRIA HF M32 provides a unique way to control your camcorder. The large 6.8cm (2.7”) touch-screen enables you to control the camcorder’s shooting and playback functions with simple on-screen gestures for a new, more intuitive way of movie-making.
Canon HD Camera System
The Canon HD Camera System combines a 3.3MP Full HD CMOS sensor, an 18x Advanced zoom Canon HD Video Lens and the DIGIC DV III processor to deliver superb Full HD movies.
Dynamic OIS and Powered IS
When shooting video, small shakes of the camcorder can appear magnified in playback. To counter this, the LEGRIA HFM32 uses two systems of image stabilisation – Dynamic Optical Image Stabilizer reduces shake caused when shooting while walking and Powered Image Stabilizer keeps the image steady for telephoto shots.
Easy sharing
Sharing your videos is easier than ever before with the LEGRIA HF M32. In-camera HD to SD conversion lets you reduce the size of your files in-camera, while the bundled PIXELA software makes uploading a breeze.
Pre REC, 25p Cinema Mode – plus 3.3MP stills
The LEGRIA HF M32 has many shooting features for creating better movies. In Pre REC mode, the camcorder starts recording three seconds before the Record button is pressed, so you won’t miss any of the action. 25p cinema mode creates more cinematic-looking movies. And you can even snap 3.3MP still photos to complement your movies.
Flexible system
The LEGRIA HF M32 has a built-in HDMI connection for direct output to an HDTV, while a built-in mic and headphone jack enable you to capture better audio. The mini Advanced Accessory Shoe and a range of accessories – including the WP-V2 Waterproof case for taking your camcorder swimming or snorkelling – allow the HF M32 to grow with your experience.
03:33 For the full Canon Vixia HF M32 review, go to
02:08 まかせてカンタン 撮(と)リプルキレイ! こだわりオートの軽量ビデオカメラ.
01:01 For the full Canon Vixia HF M32 review, visit
06:09 Filmé avec un Canon HF M32 au Gucci Masters du salon du cheval de Paris 2010.
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01:08 For the full Canon Vixia HF M32 review, visit
01:40 Camcorder check - Canon VIXIA(LEGRIA / iVIS) HF M32 / RICOH CX-3 / ZOOM Q3HD. The sound is from GarageBand'11. REFERENCE - Canon VIXIA (iVIS / LEGRIA) Entry ...
00:37 For the full Canon Vixia HF M32 review, visit
00:44 -
00:18 test of low light on a canon hf m32.
01:11 For the full Canon Vixia HF M32 review, visit
01:25 Test footage of my new camera.
01:10 動画の詳しい情報は週刊アスキーPLUSでどうぞ! (Weekly ASCII is a magazine of Japan that specialized in PC/IT.)
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00:39 The Canon VIXIA HF M32 Dual Flash Memor...
13:06 動画の詳しい情報は週刊アスキーPLUSでどうぞ! (Weekly ASCII is a magazine of Japan that specialized in PC/IT.)
00:57 Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!!/PennRailVideos This video is solely for test purposin...