DSLR-style quality and shooting responses: compact and easy to use with interchangeable lenses
- Small and light with DSLR-like picture quality.
- Simple operation plus sophisticated creative control.
- Shoot 1080i HD movies and amazing Sweep Panoramas.
Exquisite pictures with a sense of style
Capture stunning images with DSLR-like picture quality, plus the convenience of interchangeable lenses – all without the size and weight of a DSLR. Compact, beautifully styled and brilliantly easy to use, with amazing features like 3D Sweep Panorama and 1080i HD video shooting.
Extraordinary picture quality
It's all in the sensor. The extra-large Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor guarantees phenomenal imaging performance - just like a DSLR camera, but without the size and weight. You'll really see the difference with richly detailed, low-noise pictures, even in low light.
Amazing HD movies
Capture smoothly detailed Full HD videos with quick autofocus to track the action - even while you're zooming. Beautiful background defocus effects add an extra dimension to creative movie shooting.
Small enough to take everywhere
Enjoy DSLR picture quality and super-quick shooting responses in a light, ultra-compact camera. The sensationally styled body fits easily into a coat pocket or bag for day trips, weekends away or holidays.
Pick the perfect lens
Why compromise your artistic vision? Select from a choice of compact, beautifully styled E-mount lenses - from ultra-slim wide angle to powerful telephoto zoom. Or add an optional mount adaptor and enjoy the limitless possibilities of your A-mount lens collection.
Beautifully easy to use
Don't be intimidated by complicated buttons and menus. The camera is simplicity itself to operate, with an intuitive on-screen interface, control dial and soft keys. It's brilliantly easy to make one-handed adjustments of camera settings.
16:58 Sony Dslr Nex5 Double lens kit Silver Nex5ds Just click on this link for a good deal at Amazon-USA ...
07:37 Buy it Now: www.kamera-station.de/de/kamera-ersatzteile/lcd-display/sony-dsc-nex3-nex5c-nex5-nex5a-nex5d-slt-a55-a33-a35-display-lcd-mit-schutzglas-und-backl...
07:05 https://www.chip-tip.de http://stores.ebay.de/wvvw-chip-tip-d-e Wir sind Digitalkamera- und Camcorder- Ersatzteil-Großhändler. Wir bieten Akkus, Displays, CC...
02:09 Capture stunning images with DSLR-like picture quality, plus the convenience of interchangeable lenses -- all without the size and weight of a DSLR. Compact,...
01:09 -
11:33 Olympus OM-D review video series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7AEC7D8D63015472&feature=view_all You can find these two cameras here: OM-D: http://...
16:58 Tamrac 5769 Velocity 9x Pro Photo Sling Pack Looking for a good deal at amazon-usa ...
01:33 Sony eSupport NEX 5 Support Information.
09:00 RATE-COMMENT-SUBSCRIBE! Twitter: Alanstechreport Facebook: Alanstechreport Web: Alanstechreport.com.
03:36 http://coolstatus.dmtienda.com/item/68625/sony-nex--5d-142-mpx-full/
04:07 This is the Unboxing of Sony NEX-5 D with the two lens kits. This is mainly just a test video, and i had notice that there weren't any good Unboxings for the...
00:23 Recorded with BENQ DC E520+.
01:01 SONY NEX-5 3D Sweep Panorama upload test.
16:58 Nikon 1024mm f3.54.5 G Dx Afs Ed Zoomnikkor Take a look at this hyperlink for a great deal at Amazon-USA ...
16:58 Tamron Sp 90mm f2.8 Di Vc Usd 11 Please check out this url for a great deal at Amazon-USA ...
16:58 Tokyo Dome Cityにて行われる音と光、水のイルミネーション。NEX5D+HEXANON AR 50mm F1.7.