Very light and compact with superb video and still image quality
Up to 3hr Full HD on 8GB internal memory, 10x optical zoom
- Shoots crisp HD video and still images.
- No tapes, no discs.
- Fun, convenient & easy to use.
HD quality that everyone can enjoy
Very light, compact and easy to use with great video and still image quality. Full HD recording on 8GB internal memory, or boost shooting time with an optional Memory Stick.
Small and light enough to keep with you
With less size and weight to carry, it’s easy to slip your camcorder into a pocket or bag: you can be sure it’s always with you, wherever you go.
Natural looking faces every time
Faces can look dark and underexposed in bright, backlit situations like a sun-drenched beach. And if you’re shooting indoors there’s a risk your subject’s skin tone can look unnaturally coloured. The camcorder fine-tunes focus, exposure and skin tone for more natural looking faces.
More smiles every time
Wouldn’t it be great having a photographer by your side, capturing great still pictures of happy faces while you’re shooting video of a party or another special event? Smile Shutter automatically shoots still photos whenever your subject smiles, without interrupting video recording.
Ready for anything
Everyone knows the frustration of fumbling for your camcorder when something amazing happens… And then it’s too late. Flip open the LCD screen and you’re ready to start shooting in a fraction of a second. Standby battery drain is super-low, so you can always be ready to catch that special moment.
Have more fun with your video collection
It’s easy to manage your video clips and photos with Picture Motion Browser for your PC – included free with your camcorder. Sort, search and browse through all your clips and photos in an instant. Burn them to disc, email to friends or upload to social networking sites with a few clicks.
02:14 Sony HDR CX105 Video Sample Test.
02:49 just testing some stuff out Donate:¤cy_code...
00:55 Testing my new camera Sony HDR-CX105 FULL HD outdoor.
00:36 Test 6 Sony HDR-CX105 MP4-HD 1920X1080 25fps upload (35 MB)
02:36 This is my 27% CAP 232 during engine test. Engine DA 50R with Fiala 22x8 prop. Using Futaba receiver and Hitec HS-7985 serwos on all surfaces and HS-5975 on ...
00:24 Couple of Wingsuiters landing.. Grabbed and uploaded straight from the camera.
00:38 Little HD quality test from my new camcorder, Sony HDR-CX105e. It shows my RC buggy and my dad's.
02:03 Postanowiłem przetestować nową kamerkę i tu właśnie zamieściłem niektóre ujęcia z tego testu, żeby przy okazji zobaczyć jak to będzie na yt wyglądać ;] Oka u...
23:12 Prueba en exteriores con la cámara SONY HANDYCAM HDR-CX105. Filmado en Full HD y renderizado en HD a 1280x720p con Sony Vegas. El viento es un ...
01:41 Filmed with my new Sony HDR-CX105 in the garden. Edited with iMovie '09. Please leave a reaction and rate! Thanks!
01:32 Filmed at 10.22 in the morning. - No additional lights. Only daylight. - Set to highest quality mode on camera. - Featuring my cat Pylomé Rendered with Son...
00:54 Sony HDR-CX105 videotest + zoomtest.
00:51 Bird walking around in the snow on the Grote Markt in Kortrijk. Filmed with a Sony HDR-CX105 at 1080i25, converted to 720p50 using AviSynth and Virtualdub. Y...
01:32 Sony HDR-CX105 Close-up test: some insects.
00:41 W roli testera EN57-1298. To i tak jeszcze ograniczone możliwości tej kamery. Będzie lepiej jak znajdę lepszy program do obróbki.
01:36 -
00:09 Test 4 Sony HDR-CX105 mp4-HD 1920X1080 upload (8.3 M.
05:03 Hier zeige ich euch meine Kamera weil ich jetzt schon des Öfteren gefragt wurde welche Kamera ich benutze. Entschuldigt bitte die Sound und Bildqualität.