7.2 mega pixels, 3x optical zoom
The Samsung S760 is a high resolution digital camera that is equipped with a true-colour filtered 7.2 mega-pixel CCD. This allows the Samsung S760 to produce even better images and take detailed photos for printing up to poster size. In addition, the Samsung S760 has a 3x optical and 3x digital zoom giving 9x total zoom when combined.
Self Portrait
-Using the face detection algorithm, the camera provides a confirmation notice through sound, if the face is detected within the certain area.
-Normally, it is difficult to position the face in the center of the image while taking a self shot. Now, it is easy to take a self shot using Self Portrait.
Face Detection AF & AE
With the Face Detection AF & AE function, the Samsung S860 enables the user to take better portrait pictures more easily. The function detects faces and automatically focuses on them; the brightness of the faces is adjusted optimally for beautiful portrait pictures.
2.4” Intelligent LCD brightness
The Samsung S860 has a 2.4" LCD with improved contrast and colour reproduction for easy image framing and reviewing.
DIS(Digital Image Stabilization) function
DIS technology prevents the degradation of image clarity and colour which is sometimes found in flash photography. With DIS the effects of image blur are reduced in lower light conditions.You can even take well exposed, sharper pictures in low light conditions without using a flash at all, which guarantees brighter and more natural pictures.
11 Scene Modes
You have a choice of scene modes to help you get the perfect shot in any situation. By automatically adjusting the camera's setting according to the situation, you can be sure of getting great pictures effortlessly. The scene modes provided are Children, Landscape, Close-up, Text, Sunset, Dawn, Backlight, Fireworks, Beach & Snow, Night and Portrait.
Function Description & Photo Help Guide
-Provides a brief description of the main functions and different modes the camera has to offer.
-The different icons, scene modes and other features are described in simple and easy to understand terms to improve the interaction between the user and camera.
-A guided tour of how to take better images. Easy to follow tips instruct the user how to obtain excellent results.
06:58 http://tehnikservice.net.
00:25 Just a quick video of my living room with the Samsung S760 Digital Camera.
00:29 My new Samsung S760 Camera.
00:33 teste camera Samsung S760.
00:28 yeah i got a new camera off of ebay for $60.
01:07 Unboxing the Samsung S760 Http://www.ConsumerDepot.com.
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03:21 curtam nossa ágina no face: https://www.facebook.com/JotaFilmes Video feito com câmera samsung S760 7.2mp e a iluminação do local não ajuda muito...
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