A higher level of features. The same slim size.
Amazing macro photography for eye-opening views
Set your lens to its widest angle and you can shoot as close as 1cm away from your subject! For an even more powerful perspective, use telemacro up to 8cm away. Using the four direction buttons--in AF Target Selection, you can also shift the focus point without moving your camera.
0.007-second shutter release time lag*
The Caplio R40′s ultra-high-speed response keeps you ready for action. Powering up takes 1.1 seconds, shutter release time lag is approximately 0.09 seconds (without focus lock engaged), and your camera resets for the next shot in half a second..
*Approx. time with focus lock engaged
Large 2.5-inch High Quality LCD Monitor (153,000 pixels)
The large 2.5-inch LCD monitor allows for clearer, more detailed and defined shooting and playback of images.
Double Retracting LENS System fits a powerful lens inside a slim body
How does a 5.7x optical zoom lens fit inside a slim 26mm camera? As the lens retracts, part of it swings like a pendulum inside the camera. Ricoh's advanced Double Retracting LENS System - a smart solution for a smart design.
Additional features & functions
- Skew correction function handy for business uses
- Eight scene modes
- Three continuous shooting modes
- Shoot video with digital zoom and sound until memory is full
00:49 Ricoh caplio r4 digital camera.
00:12 Failure is a stepping-stone to success. 昔買ったCaplioのR4にインターバル撮影なるものが付いていたのに今更ながら気付く。 フルオートで撮ったためか丁度日が暮れるあたりでコマがぶれてしまう。 マニュアルに ...
01:01 Amazon.co.jp から購入 : http://cheap.goes2japan.com/?asin=B0049VONBS Wasabi Power バッテリー2ケ+充電キット 並行輸入品 Leicaライカ BP-DC4 C-Lux 1 D-Lux 2 D-Lux 3...
02:32 Ebay Listing - http://bit.ly/usb-mini-b All purchases come with a 30-Day money back guarantee and ship in the US. Our USB Mini B Cables are ~ 6FT in length a...
05:08 My old 4 megapixel Casio QV-R40 has a unique coupling shot feature in which you can combine 2 shots of the same object in one frame. An example is you can sh...
00:05 Cam: Ricoh Caplio R2 (QVGA 30fps) Destination: Tai Wo Station tags: 港鐵貨列.
31:22 years ago this was a great camera for the price... good stills, but the video is quality is pretty weak. colors are bright in better light though.