It has arrived. A compact digital camera with the power to capture the essence of beauty. The power to bring your vision alive. The Caplio GX8 with 8.24 effective megapixels. Stunning image quality. Vivid colors and deep gradation. For the love of photography.
8.24 effective megapixels for vivid image quality.
The Caplio GX8's advanced technology for stunningly vivid photography fits inside a remarkably compact body. The CCD, the camera's core imaging unit, is 8.24 effective megapixels. And Ricoh's superior Smooth Imaging Engine image processing system achieves high-speed processing of high-resolution images while suppressing image noise. Even in large-sized prints, images are vivid and beautifully clean and sharp.
Creative control with Aperture Priority and Manual Exposure.
Bring your creative vision alive in landscapes and portraits with Aperture Priority mode. With precise control over depth of field, you can put beautifully focused attention on a foreground subject, or maintain sharp focus throughout the scene. Also, the Caplio GX8 gives you control over the shutter speed, which ranges in Manual Exposure mode from 1/2000 to 30 seconds.
1/3-EV-step exposure correction for subtle lighting conditions.
Approach scenes with extreme difference in brightness between your subject and the background like a pro. The Caplio GX8 lets you avoid over- or underexposure by making EV adjustments in 1/3 steps within a range of ±2.0EV.
Powerful wide-angle 28-85mm 3x optical zoom.
Wide-angle expression is the forte of Ricoh cameras. The Caplio GX8 takes it to a new level with an optical 3x zoom beginning at wide-angle 28mm. The zoom lens, consisting of 9 elements in 7 groups, ensures adequate peripheral light in wide-angle edges. Four aspherical lenses and four lenses with high refractive index and low dispersion are arranged to ensure well-balanced correction of aberration in all zoom ranges. Photographers have never encountered such advanced optical performance in a digital camera so compact.
10:41 テレビの音声入っちゃった。撮像素子 有効画素数824万画素(総画素数850万画素) 1/1.8型原色CCD レンズ 焦点距離 f:5.8~17.4(35mm換算 28~85mm) (ステップズーム設定 ...
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00:25 25 seconds of sweet Lidl joy: the original footage was taken on a Ricoh Caplio GX8 digital camera, then edited together on iMovie....
00:25 25 seconds of sweet Lidl joy: the original footage was taken on a Ricoh Caplio GX8 digital camera, then edited together on iMovie....
00:25 from 2009/4/8 to 2012/3/23 Ricoh Caplio GX8 Canon PowerShot S95.
00:30 自宅のベランダからデジカメでインターバル撮影した画像を使って作成してみました。 RICOH Caplio GX8 / interval@5sec.
02:12 With a new image processing engine and a 7.1x optical wide zoom lens (28--200 mm in 35 mm camera format) mounted on a slim body only 20.6 mm at its thinnest ...
07:24 Ricoh Caplio R7 Digitalkamera zerlegt geschlachtet dismounted disjointed.
10:14 or Wir sind Digitalkamera- und Camcorder- Ersatzteil-Großhändler. Wir bieten Akkus, Displays, ...
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05:59 Buy it Now: Kostenloses Know-how-sharing! Kostenlose Kamera-Überprüfung! ...
00:58 Uploaded using FlipShare.
01:06 Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact Release Date: December 2012 Shutter...
01:06 Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact Release Date: December 2012 Shutter...
05:39 Buy it Now: Kostenloses Know-how-sharing! Kostenlose Kamera-Überpr...