A slim and stylish wide-angle 5x zoom camera
Great image quality in a stylish compact body. The JX700 can go everywhere with you, and is available in five stylish colors.
Colorful Compact with Handy Features
Rich in choice with five colors, the stylish compact body brings out the great image quality in the FinePix JX700. Available in Black, Pink, Gold, PinkGold, and Purple, simply choose the one that will fit your style.
2.7-inch Bright LCD
The large, bright LCD display makes it easy to compose great photos. Sharing pictures is a pleasure, thanks to a high-impact 230,000-dot resolution.
1. FinePix JX700
2. Conventional Digital Camera
Fujinon 5x Zoom Lens & 16 Megapixels
A high- quality Fujinon 5x zoom lens delivers picture-perfect results across the entire zoom range, from wide-angle compositions to dramatic close-up shots.
16 Megapixels - With Vivid Colors and Clarity
An impressive 16 megapixels resolution won't miss the finest details of your subject. Images are captured sharp and clear, in vivid colors, even when printed at large sizes.
High Sensitivity ISO3200
With maximum sensitivity of ISO3200, photos appear natural and more true to life even with limited available light. High sensitivity also stops the action of high-speed moving subjects.
Digital Image Stabilization
Automatically detects blurred subjects and instantaneously increases shutter speed to ensure crisp, sharp images.
HDTV-compatible Photos & Video
Able to capture both photos and movies in high-definition 16:9 format, the FinePix JX700 lets you discover the impact of full-screen HDTV image display.
Capture high resolution images in 16:9 format (1280 x 720 pixels).
One Touch Movie Recording Button
One Touch Movie Recording Button just for shooting movies! No settings. Just press, shoot, and enjoy the movie.
Post Capture Editing
Try our in-camera movie and image editing functions to artistically enliven photos, creating distinctive ambiances.
Movie Editing
Movie Trimming
After you take a clip, just set the IN and OUT points to crop and save only the part you want. It's that easy.
Movie Join
Select any previously recorded movie file and “resume” shooting to create a movie up to 2GB size.
6 Scene SR AUTO
Framed scenes are automatically detected and selected into appropriate camera settings: Portrait, Landscape, Night, Macro, Night Portrait, and Backlit Portrait.
Recognizes portraits by detecting the faces quickly in the frame and optimizing focus, brightness and white balance.
Scenic shots such as mountains and buildings are automatically recognized. Colors of the sky, forests, and flower fields are captured in vivid colors and depth.
For low-light and night-time scenarios, shutter speed and sensitivity are automatically adjusted, producing blur-free pictures with minimal noise.
Macro mode sets the focusing position of the details of small flowers or tiny subjects accurately.
Night Portrait
When photographing people at night or in low light, SR AUTO optimizes flash range, shutter speed, and exposure of the portraits, while capturing smooth and luminous background.
Backlit Portrait
Optimizes brightness of the faces that usually end up in shadow and underexposure caused by the light behind.
Face Detection
Face Detection optimizes people pictures by detecting faces and adjusting focus and exposure to ensure bright, clear results.
Red-eye Removal in Detected Faces
Red-eye removal automatically detects and corrects flash reflection for a perfect end result.
Instantly Detect up to 10 Faces!
The Face Detection can simultaneously recognizes up to 10 faces in a photo. Share your group portraits using the Zoom up function in playbacks, checking each detected face. Each priceless expression can be cropped and saved in clear high resolution results.
Blink Detection
The camera will warn you when people in the frame are blinking, giving you the option to retake the photo, or enlarge the face so you can save or delete the image before you take the next shot.
Smile & Shoot Mode
The Smile & Shoot mode of Scene Position, automatically releases the shutter when the smile appears so you won't miss the adorable smile the moment they happen.
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00:50 Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact Image Sensor Type: CCD MSRP: $100 Camera Category: Point and Shoot Camera Subcategory: Compact R...
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18:24 Finepix JX700 Video Test.
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