Easy to use
A range of point-and-shoot scene modes, tailored to specific circumstances, make great photography easy. Why not try shooting amazing panoramic images with Motion Panorama technology.
Six-scene SR AUTO scene recognition
The FinePix AX550 is designed to be simple to use from the moment you pick it up. Choose a scene mode to match the subject you are shooting, or let the camera decide what settings to use with its SR AUTO scene recognition. Tackle complicated shots without getting bogged down in the technical stuff.
Point the FinePix AX550 at a subject and it will recognise instantly what you are trying to take a picture of and put the camera into the right mode – portrait, landscape, night, macro, night portrait or backlit portrait.
If the FinePix AX550 detects faces it will track them around the frame and direct its exposure metering and focusing towards them.
Capture the bold colours and tones in a landscape, emphasising blue skies and green leaves.
Sensitivity and shutter speed are controlled carefully to give you blur-free pictures with minimal digital noise.
Explore the close-up world and let the AX550 look after the precise macro focusing, bringing out detail in your subjects.
Night Portrait
Use the AX550’s flash to light up the people in your shot, and keep light from the background too.
Backlit Portrait
When shooting into the light the AX550 carefully adjusts exposure to avoid your subject appearing as a silhouette.
Point and shoot scene modes
When you know exactly what you are shooting, and you want the best result without any fuss, Fuji’s scene-mode technology is for you. Choose from portrait to landscape and from beach to snow. And be confident that the AX550 will always deliver the results.
Let your AX550 pick the right settings for you, based on its analysis of the scene you are shooting.
Automate all of the camera’s functions and let nothing distract you from shooting pictures.
Program AE
Automate the two main exposure settings – aperture and shutter speed – but retain control over other camera settings, like focusing and white balance.
Shoot HD-video footage (720p at 30 fps) with digital sound. Great for those moments when only a movie clip will do!
Natural Light & with Flash
Shoot two consecutive images, one with flash and the other without, then decide which you like best later.
Natural Light
Don’t resort to flash in low-light conditions. The AX550’s Natural Light mode will let you capture the atmosphere of an event using atmospheric ambient light.
Colours are reproduced naturally, and skin tones are softened for a more flattering look.
Baby Mode
Take pictures of your kids at one of the most important periods in their life - memories to treasure
Triggers the shutter release automatically, when the camera detects a smile on your subject's face.
Capture clear, sharp landscape pictures with bold colours and big skies
Motion Panorama
Shoot three images as you pan the camera left to right (or right to left) and the AX550 will stitch them together into an impressive panorama.
Freeze fast motion and track moving objects around the frame, great for wildlife as well as sports.
Pictures are taken with a slower shutter speed, capturing the atmospheric natural light of dusk and night scenes.
Night (Tripod)
Very long shutter speed are used to capture every last piece of detail in a night scene. Mount your AX550 on a tripod to get the best results.
Fireworks mode
Record the motion and colour of fireworks as they move across the night sky.
Sunset mode
Capture the warm and intensity of a sunset without worrying about tricky exposure settings.
Snow mode
The bright-white conditions of the ski slopes are difficult for any photographer. Avoid exposure mistakes with the AX550’s Snow mode.
Beach mode
Properly exposed shots of friends and family even in the brightest sunny conditions.
Party mode
Great for weddings, dinner parties and other indoor events – shoot with a mixture of flash and long shutter speed to record ambient light too.
Flower mode
Engage the AX550s close focusing facility and boost colour reproduction for a powerful end result.
Text mode
Use you camera as a digital notebook, making notes of posters, menus notices and anything else you need to remember.
Face detection features
When the AX550 detects a face in the frame it assumes they are the most important thing in your photograph. Exposure and focus are taken from the face, and not what is behind or surrounding it, ensuring bright clear results.
Conventional Digital CameraFinePix AX550
Red-eye removal
Avoid red-eye in your images, often caused by using direct flash in dark conditions. If the AX550 detects the problem it removed it with digital processing for a more natural result.
Detect up to ten faces
The AX550 will detect up to ten faces in a single picture. You can review each in turn, with the camera zooming in on every person in a shot. Crops of individual faces can be saved as new JPEG files.
Blink detection
In every group shot there is always a blinker – that one person who can never keep their eyes open. If the FinePix AX550 detects that someone has blinked it will tell you, so you can shoot the picture again.
Smile and shoot
Say cheese! The AX550 is clever enough to detect the smile on your subject’s face, and trip the shutter to capture it. With the smile-and-shoot function you leave the timing to the camera, and never miss that special moment again.
Conventional Digital CameraFinePix AX550
Motion Panorama
Shoot impressive panoramic pictures as easily as one, two, three. Capture three frames and the AX550 will stitch them together in-camera. No complicated computer editing required. Simple in-frame guidance of how much to overlap each shot is provided when you are shooting, and the result is saved to memory card as a JPEG.
06:34 This is camera takes amazing closeups and focuses VERY fast. Takes great video quality also for being a point and shoot. buy it here- (70$) http://www.walmar...
02:13 i picked this up at sears for $79.99 and it is a great camera for the cheap price! thank you for watching! and comment rate and subscribe!
01:43 fujifilm - finepix ax550 16.0-megapixel digital camera - black fujifilm finepix ax550 digital camera fujifilm - finepix ax550 16.0-megapixel digital camera f...
01:24 Тестировал свою мыльницу FujiFilm FinePix AX550,вот выложил вам как она снимает видео... http://club.dns-shop.ru/dima9701/blog/%D0%9E%D0%B1%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%80...
00:41 Fujifilm Finepix AX550 Sample Video.
01:24 testing the recording capability of my new fuji finepix ax550 digital camera. I won't use it often for recording video as I do have an HD digital video camer...
01:13 http://www.thetechmaster.org http://www.twitter.com/jhales2000 https://www.facebook.com/#!/thetechm http://jhales2000scybertips.blogspot.co.uk/ http://www.yo...
01:12 Gеt a grеаt dеаl оn аmazоn.сo.uк http://is.gd/Y4ChR5 Pгоduсt Dеsсгіptіоn Fujifilm FinePix AX550 From the ManufacturerThe Fujifilm AX550 makes it easy to take...
00:18 Sample Video of FujiFilm Finepix AX550 - Delhi Metro Rail using 5x Optical Zoom.
00:11 Video tomado con una cámara Fujifilm FinePix AX550. Video hecho con una cámara Fujifilm FinePix AX550. Video grabado con una cámara Fujifilm FinePix AX550.
01:01 http://brain.com.ua/Cifrovoy_fotoapparat_Fujifilm_FinePix_AX550_black_16237980-p70522.html С новой фотокамерой Fujifilm FinePix AX550 black высококачественна...
00:21 Sample video of Fujifilm Finepix AX550. "Underground Delhi Metro Rail"
01:08 FUJIFILM FinePix AX550 compact - 16.0 mégapixel - Zoom optique 5x.
00:27 A sample video of Fuji Finepix AX550. "India Gate"
42:36 More Detail Click Here http://amzn.to/1LTyL0y Fujifilm FinePix AX550 16 Megapixel Compact Camera - Black.
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01:09 Gеt a grеаt dеаl оn аmazоn.сo.uк http://is.gd/C4HKZF Pгоduсt Dеsсгіptіоn Fujifilm FinePix AX550 From the ManufacturerThe Fujifilm AX550 makes it easy to take...
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