Professional Camcorders
The XF300, one of Canon’s first file-based professional camcorders, combines an MPEG-2, 50Mbps, 4:2:2 codec with a Canon L-series lens and 3 Full HD CMOS sensors for superb HD video stored on CF card.
- MPEG-2 MXF recording to CF cards at up to 50Mbps (4:2:2).
- Comprehensive NLE support.
- 18x wide angle Canon L-series lens.
- 3 x 1/3 type Full HD Canon CMOS sensors.
- 10.1 cm LCD (1.23M dots); 1.3 cm (1.55M dots) EVF.
- Variable frame rates.
Capture high quality HD to CF cards
The XF300 records MPEG-2 MXF (Media eXchange Format) files – up to 1920 x 1080 Full HD at 50Mbps (4:2:2) – to CompactFlash (CF) memory cards. CF media is inexpensive and widely available: dual card slots allow filming to continue without interruption.
Flexible editing
Integrating seamlessly with existing workflows, movies shot on the XF300 are captured as industry-standard MXF files compatible with all major editing packages.
18x wide-angle lens
Drawing on Canon’s broadcast lens expertise – and informed by the feedback of professionals – the lightweight 18x L-series HD Video Lens delivers superb optical quality. Unique Ultra-Low Dispersion (Hi-UD) elements are used to prevent chromatic aberration. Separate rings offer independent control of Focus, Zoom and Iris (F1.6) – with full manual control available, end stops are provided for the focus and zoom rings.
3x Full HD CMOS
Full HD at 1920 x 1080 resolution is captured via three 1/3 type 2.07 Megapixel Full HD CMOS sensors – designed and manufactured by Canon in-house. High speed scanning minimises the effects of a rolling shutter.
10.1 cm LCD and 1.3 cm EVF
The 10.1 cm (4”) LCD screen can be positioned either side of the camera. Offering superior resolution (1.2M dots), the Focus Assist tool helps achieve sharp images. A built-in Waveform Monitor (WFM) helps verify exposure and other shooting parameters. Alternatively, a 1.3 cm (0.52”) Electronic Viewfinder (EVF) is available.
Variable frame rate
A wide range of frame rates is available, from 12 to 50 fps. This gives cameramen the freedom to alter the capture rate for additional creative flexibility.
Independent audio
Audio can be captured via twin XLR inputs and also with the front-mounted stereo microphone.
Custom pictures
Twenty-six Custom Picture options can be adjusted to achieve the perfect look. These can be stored in-camera – via SD card - and settings can even be transferred between camcorders.
CPS support
Canon’s exclusive CPS Video Support offers a priority repair service, guaranteeing quick turnaround.
09:57 canon XF 300 Camcorder versus Canon 5DMark 3 DSLR comparison of footage quality, pros anc cons for DSLR videography and pros and cons of Camcorder videograph...
06:30 Kurzer Blick auf die neue Canon XF-305.
07:36 CANON XF300 / XF 305 - Imponi il tuo standard: professionale, Full HD, file-based con Canon XF 300 & XF 305. La videocamera XF 300, uno dei primi modelli pro...
08:57 Testi Canon Xf 300/305 UPDATE 1080 version part1: No Color Correction grazie a Transaudiovideo pe...
02:57 Comparison of Canon XF300 and Canon 7D. In all fairness to the XF300, I shot this within 24 hours after taking it out of the box, so used mostly the auto set...
06:52 XF305 & XF300 -- Canon's XF305 and XF300 professional camcorders offer an impressive amount of features including 4:2:2 Full HD CompactFlash recording at 50M...
04:43 Canon's new XF305 compact camcorder features a unibody design, incorporating an 18X zoom lens. The focus function button on the lens barrel can activate full...
03:28 Unboxing of a new Canon XF 300 Camcorder. Shot with a Panasonic Lumix DMC LX5 in VGA video mode. Edited in Pinnacle Studio 12. Music by Fell Kenny in Cakewal...
00:31 Ускоренная съёмка..... 2 кадра в секунду. Нижний Новгород. микрорайон " ВОДНЫЙ МИР" оператор Бельский Владимир. 8 951 915 89 96 canon XF 300 XF 305.
08:43 canon xf 305 pro hd video camera,xf-300 Shot, Directed and Edited by Scot Jay Mathisson.
03:25 Telecamera Canon XF300 testata di sera con le luci natalizie. Impostazioni di default di fabbrica senza nessuna correzione in post-produzione. Factory preset...
02:34 Premières images avec la nouvelles caméra XF 300 de chez CANON. Il faut encore peaufiner les réglage des la bête, mais manifestement elle a un beau potentiel.
02:15 First couple of days out with it, not color corrected, and going for the film look (24 FPS) at highest resolution. Some shots need correction, but I slapped ...
03:33 Sound mix from Zoom H4n and Rode NTG-3. at Corona Del Mar, CA.
05:10 -
20:58 -
03:27 Съемка canon xf 300 с рук. время 22:10. настройки по дефолту. стабилизатор в положении стандарт при съемке менял ББ и перевод на ручной фокус для расфокусиро...
01:52 Short video of the Kangaroo's that inhabit the small town of Toorbul near us. Shot on the Canon XF300.
04:38 -
20:58 Picked up the Canon XF 205 to support our Canon XF 300 for documentary shoots and other projects. We're enjoying it so far, and love the ergonomics and ...