With a slim and lightweight design, the PowerShot A2200 can always be with you. Thanks to the intelligent Smart Auto and Easy modes, great pictures are just a click away.
- 14.1 Megapixels
- 28mm wide, 4x zoom lens
- 6.8 cm (2.7") LCD
- Smart Auto, Easy mode and Hints & Tips
- HD Movies (720p)
- Blur Reduction mode
- Live View Control and Creative Filters
- Face Detection, Auto Red-Eye Correction
- Li-ion battery.
14.1 Megapixels
A high resolution sensor captures every detail in your subject, giving you the freedom to produce very large prints or crop in for a perfect composition.
28mm wide, 4x zoom lens
For more framing options, a 4x optical zoom lens with a 28mm wide-angle view allows you to capture the vastness of distant subjects such as landscapes or to get wider coverage when shooting in confined areas such as indoors at parties.
6.8 cm (2.7") LCD
A large and sharp screen makes it easy to frame and share shots with friends. Subjects appear in good detail and playback is a joy thanks to five different brightness settings, allowing you to adjust it for any lighting condition.
Smart Auto, Easy mode and Hints & Tips
With Smart Auto, you can take great photos with the press of a button. The camera automatically selects the most appropriate scene from a possible 32 and applies the best settings for a perfect picture. Easy mode prevents you from accidently changing settings, while Hints & Tips provide a brief explanation of the camera’s features.
HD Movies (720p) with Miniature Effect in Movie
720p video capture allows you to record scenes in high definition quality. Miniature Effect in movie makes landscape scenes look like time-lapse movies of miniature scale models.
Blur Reduction mode
When shooting subjects in motion or in low light where blur could easily occur, Blur Reduction mode works to ensure clear results, free from blur
Live View Control and Creative Filters
Live View Control allows you to easily adjust various picture settings while framing the shot. 6 Creative Filters including Miniature and Toy Camera Effect produce impressive results to spark your imagination.
Face Detection, Auto Red-Eye Correction
Face Detection Technology detects up to 35 faces in a single frame and ensures that people remain in focus and with optimum brightness. Red-eye is automatically removed immediately after the shot is taken or during playback.
Canon’s DIGIC 4 processor drives responsive operation, superb image quality and colour reproduction. Advanced Noise Reduction ensures richly detailed, cleaner images, even at high ISO speeds.
Li-ion battery
Lithium-ion batteries provide a lightweight and easily rechargeable powering solution.
02:17 Best deal to buy Canon A2200 is here → http://etop10digitalcameras.com/Canon-Powershot-A2200 Hi and welcome to this Canon Powershot A2200 review video (http:...
34:35 -
08:36 5:55 for view test i got 213 ********* S U B S C R I B E ********* ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ my other y...
08:13 Комментировать можно тут: http://bennet1890.ru/videoblog/spisok-videobloga/255-canon-a2200 Всем привет! Это 12 выпуск моего видеоблога, в нем речь пойдет о с...
03:35 primeras impresiones de Camara fotodráfica canon A2200.
02:17 A few clips showing the quality of my new camera (Canon Powershot A2200) taken at blackpool pleasure beach south sure next to the pleasure beach and south pier Enjoy!
01:52 Canon Makes the Best Consumer Cameras Hands down. 186 subs my other youtube vlogs http://www.youtube.com/thetreverpitts my twitter http://www.twitter.com/ba...
00:30 Filming in 720p on a guinea pig named Britney.
04:18 Guess who's back! Yes, I am back with a quick unboxing of my new Canon Powershot A2200. This camera has 14.1 MPX with a 2.7" LCD Screen. Prepared for a full ...
34:35 Taking things out of a box after removing it from an envelope. Song: frisbee friendz by nullsleep nullsleep: http://www.nullsleep.com ...
00:53 A short clip taken with the Canon A2200 camera. See the review at http://www.cnet.com.au/canon-powershot-a2200-339307932.htm.
04:18 Canon PowerShot A2200 14.1MP Digital Camera Deluxe Kit Bundle Red 4GB Memory Card & Built Case Included http://www.amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-A2200-Digital-I...
01:51 Canon Powershot A2200 - Which first look review CES 2011 . Get the full details at http://go.which.co.uk.
05:16 This is me unboxing my new Canon Powershot A2200. I bought it from BestBuy.
04:38 Видеообзор Canon PowerShot A2200 A3300 IS от компании Цифровичок.
04:08 My Sony Bloggie Touch HD pocket Camcorder broke 3 weeks ago and I needed to get a new camera to record YouTube videos with. I didn't want to spend too much a...
08:48 Подписываемся, лайкаем, комментируем, добавляем в избранное Подпишись http://www.youtube.com/DoomChannelRUS Ты можешь поддержать канал: Webmoney R191324...
34:35 A video test I made this summer right after I bought this camera. I am still proud of it and it still works excelent.
34:35 A bit shaky and I pointed the camera at the direction where I thought it was a good view. My eyes were on the road 110%. No Sound because the noise of the ...