18 MP CMOS sensor
Ideal for those who want to create large, poster-size prints – or crop images without losing any of the detail necessary for printing – EOS 60D’s 18MP CMOS sensor is outstanding in low light, and produces images with incredibly low noise.
Advanced creative features
Use your imagination to enhance your stills with a range of creative filters such as toy camera effect or soft focus. These filters can be applied to RAW and JPEG images giving you creative control after the shot has been taken. Basic+ allows you to apply a creative ambience, when shooting in the Basic modes, giving you creative control without extensive photographic knowledge.
Vari-angle 7.7cm (3.0”) 3:2 Clear View LCD
Perform detailed checks on images and video or shoot unique or awkward angles with a 7.7cm (3.0”) 3:2 Clear View LCD screen, which features an ultra-high 1,040,000 dots for increased clarity. Switch to Live View mode and use real-time visual feed to help capture the best angle.
Full HD movie recording
The EOS 60D combines exceptional still shooting with the ability to shoot Full HD (1080p) video. To satisfy your creativity the EOS 60D features full manual control and selectable frame rates. You can also shoot high speed 50/60fps movies at 720P for when the action is really fast. An HDMI connection allows High Definition playback of footage and images on any HDTV. With HDMI enabled TV sets playback can be controlled using the remote control.
Canon’s DIGIC 4 processor works with the CMOS sensor to deliver 14-bit image processing, for smooth gradations and natural looking colours. DIGIC 4 also powers advanced Noise Reduction when shooting at higher ISO speeds, plus split-second start-up times and near-instant image review after shooting.
High ISO for low light
When light levels fall, the EOS 60D offers an ISO range of up to 6400 – expandable to 12800 for those environments where using flash is undesirable.
iFCL metering system
A 63-zone dual layer metering sensor analyses Focus, Colour and Luminance information, providing accurate and consistent metering.
Quick Control screen
Accessible using a dedicated button it provides easy access to commonly used functions, ensuring that you are ready to take the shot as it happens.
Create a shooting system as unique as you are
The EOS 60D is compatible with Canon’s full range of EF and EF-S lenses and EX-series Speedlites.
01:56 Gravação feita com Canon 60D com o firmware da Magic Lantern a 4 FPS. O video apenas levou uma correcção de cores no Final Cut Pro 7.
00:32 Comprar este producto: http://www.tienda19.com/fotografia/camaras-de-fotos/reflex-digital-slr/reflex-canon/canon-eos-60d-ef-s-17-85-is-camara-reflex-digital....
00:43 -
00:23 Тестировал фокусировку HD 50FPS.
03:10 just got my 60D - shots taken with Canon XH-A1 http://vimeo.com/38310202.
03:03 mehr Informationen: http://more-at.com/1q57 Reviews USA: http://more-at.com/1q58 Reviews UK: http://more-at.com/1q59 Video-Review zur Canon EOS 60D SLR-Digit...
00:49 Mitt första filmtest med Canon EOS 60D. Filmade i 720p 50 frames i sekunden. Drog sedan ner hastigheten till hälften. Objektivet är ett Canon EF-S 17-85/4,0-...
01:53 Canon EOS 60D SLR-Digitalkamera (18 Megapixel, Live-View, Full HD-Movie) Kit inkl. EF-S 18-135 IS Objektiv (bildstabilisiert): http://www.productinformations...
05:02 Photography and video processing took 3 weeks in June and July 2013. I used: - Canon EOS 60d; - lens Canon EF-S 17-85 mm f/4-5.6 IS USM; - lens Canon EF 17-4...
07:50 Churrasco do 5º período da turma B de medicina da Faculdade de Medicina Nova Esperança concluinte em 2018.2. Filmagem e edição: Fábio H. D. Melo Equipamentos utilizados: Canon EOS 60D...
00:06 тестик Canon EOS 60D+Canon EF-S 17-85 IS USM bs 180 с пушки Kubinka SB park.
01:22 I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO! The Canon EOS 60D is a digital single-lens reflex camera from Canon. It is part of the Canon EOS line of cameras and succeeds the EO...
01:13 http://www.cruisereport.com/crBlogDetail.aspx?id=1376 Here are some sample video clips shot with the Canon EOS 60D during our tests. Some were shot using a C...
00:47 Canon EOS 60D SLR-Digitalkamera (18 Megapixel, Live-View, Full HD-Movie) Kit inkl. EF-S 17-85 IS USM Objektiv (bildstabilisiert) Klicken Sie hier, um kaufen ...
09:49 The Canon EOS 60D is a digital single-lens reflex camera from Canon. It was the first Canon EOS camera which had an articulating LCD screen. It was publicly ...
07:18 The video was filmed in the North of the European Part of Russia (Murmansk region). The shooting took 1.5 months + 2 weeks in postprocessing (June, July and ...
00:39 Testing out a new lens (for blog: http://blog.psthisismywebsite.com/)
46:20 Primeiras probas coa steadicam smoothee + gopro hd Hero a 1080p. Imaxes mesturadas con gravacións feitas coa steadicam merlin 2 + Canon Eos 60D ...